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Communication (4th Edition)


Stresses the importance of understanding and celebrating differenceThis text describes basic communication theory in everyday, non-technical terms, while offering students an abundance of opportunities to analyze, understand, practice, and apply skills to real-life situations. Communication: Embracing Difference emphasizes the practical application of communication skills in interpersonal, small group, and public settings. Targeting both mainstream and non-traditional students, this text is designed with an overall approach that resonates with diverse student populations.This text is available in a variety of formats — print and digital. Check your favorite digital provider for your eText, including CourseSmart, Kindle, Nook, and more. To learn more about our programs, pricing options and customization, click the Choices tab.Learning GoalsUpon completing this book, readers will be able to: Understand basic communication theory Apply skills to real-life situations Understand how technology has changed communication

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