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A Writers Resource 5e MLA 2016 UPDATE


A Writer’s Resource helps writers identify the fundamental elements of any writing situation―from academic papers to blog posts to 140-character tweets. Its innovative, transferable techniques and practices build confidence for composing across genres, media, and the academic curriculum. And with its numerous examples from a rich cross-section of disciplines, the fifth edition clearly demonstrates that every major, every field of study, and every potential career path depends on written communication.Connect Composition supports instruction across multiple semesters and courses with interactive exercises, online learning videos, enriched ebook materials,annotation and writing tools, and much more!• LearnSmartAchieve – a continuously adaptive learning system that pinpoints students’ individual strengths and weaknesses and provides personalized support to help them master key topics and material. LearnSmart Achieve provides foundational support on key course areas such as the writing process, critical reading, the research process, reasoning and argument, grammar and common sentence problems,punctuation and mechanics, style and word choice, and multilingual writer support.• Power of Process – a critical reading and writing tool that guides students through instructor-chosen strategies and helps them engage directly with a text through highlighting, annotation, and short answer questions.•Analytics – Progress dashboards that quickly show how you are performing on your assignments and tips for improvement.

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