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Community and Public Health Education Methods: A Practical Guide


Updated and revised to keep pace with changes in the field, the fourth edition of Community Health Education Methods: A Practical Guide teaches students to effectively communicate health education messages and positively influence the norms and behaviors of both individuals and communities. Written by and for health education specialists, this text explores the methods used by health educators, including didactic techniques designed to guide others toward the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. New & Key Features of the Fourth Edition: – Includes a new chapter focusing on using social media tools, such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, texting, blogging, smartphone apps, internet channels (e.g., YouTube), video vines, etc – Incorporates the new CHES competencies throughout the book, so that users understand what to expect in terms of CEHS with each chapter – Each chapter includes key terms, additional resources, interesting Did You Know? facts, and a series of Community Connections vignettes designed to provide readers with an easy-to-understand, practical application on the concepts presented.

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