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Elseworlds Batman 1


In Elseworlds, heroes are taken from their usual settings and put into strange times and places—some that have existed, or might have existed, and others that can’t, couldn’t or shouldn’t exist.The result: heroes you know…in worlds you don’t.Batman’s prestige format Elseworlds tales are collected in this graphic novel collection.Featuring Batman as a holy priest, Harry Houdini alongside the Dark Knight, Dr. Wayne reanimating a Frankenstein-like Bat-Man, Batman as a Green Lantern, a supernatural Bat-Man fighting the evil wizard known as the Dark Joker, a future Robin fighting offan alien invasion and other tales!Collects BATMAN: HOLY TERROR; BATMAN: THE BLUE, THE GREY, AND THE BAT; ROBIN 3000 #1-2; BATMAN/DARK JOKER: THE WILD; BATMAN/HOUDINI: THE DEVIL’S WORKSHOP; BATMAN: CASTLE OF THE BAT; BATMAN: IN DARKEST KNIGHT and BATMAN: DARK ALLEGIANCES!

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