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Interior Design Materials and Specifications: Bundle Book + Studio Access Card


This complete guide to the selection of materials for interiors has been updated to reflect the most recent materials on the market and contemporary awareness on industry movements like sustainability. Written from the viewpoint of the working designer, Interior Design Materials and Specifications, 4th Edition, describes each material’s characteristics and teaches students how to evaluate, select, and specify materials, taking into account factors including code compliance, building standards, sustainability guidelines, human needs, and bidding processes. Students will learn how to communicate with suppliers and vendors to achieve the results they envision and how to avoid some of the pitfalls common to material selection and specification.New to this Edition:-Removed laminated materials chapter and dispersing information into related materials chapters.-Inclusion of a Smart Materials chapter and sustainability information throughout.-Updated all case studies throughout text.STUDIO Features:-Self-Assessment Quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips.-Review key concepts with Flashcards of essential vocabulary.-Watch Videos to tour materials plants.Instructor Resources:-PowerPoint Slides for each chapter.-Instructor’s Guide with sample course outlines for teaching and tools for integrating the STUDIO with the course.

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