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International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials Documents Supplement


The authors of International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials have compiled multi-lateral agreements, model codes, and U.S. statutory law in a Documents Supplement that supports and enriches the study of this dynamic field of law.Part One features multilateral agreements on international business transactions such as: United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) (CISG) Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP 600) (Selected Provisions) (International Chamber of Commerce 2007 World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) (1995) Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) (Selected Provisions) (2008)Part Two features multilateral agreements on arbitration and adjudication, such as: United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (Selected Provisions) (1958) United Nations Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States (World Bank, 1965) International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Rules of Arbitration (1998)Part Three features U.S. code statutes, such as: Alien Tort Claims Act (Alien Tort Statute) (ACTA, ATS) (2006) Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA), 46 U.S.C.A. and#167; 30701 hist. n. (2006) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA): Anti-Bribery and Books andamp; Records Provisions (2006) (Selected Provisions)Part Four features U.S. model codes and treaties, such as: Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (Selected Provisions) As Presently Enacted in State Law (2009) Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (Selected Provisions) As Presently Enacted in State Law (2009) Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act (2005) 2004 Model Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) (Selected Provisions)PART FIVE features guidelines for multinational business enterprises, including: World Bank Guidelines on the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment (1992) Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (2000

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