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Introduction to Surgery for Students


Introduction to surgery aims to provide a one-stop guide to the basics of surgery for surgical rotations, as well as providing information for aspiring surgeons on how to explore a surgical career and build your CV for surgical applications. It aims to be the go-to companion for any student shadowing in theatres, and a thorough guide for students wishing to spend more time in a specific specialty, conduct research and plan careers.Introduction to Surgery for Students is an edited collection of 31 chapters from a group of 80 medical students, junior doctors and consultant surgeons. Each chapter has been written by a team made up of at least one student and one senior, and has then been edited and reviewed by a medical student with a special interest in the topic. This near-peer style of writing allows our content to cater to a student’s needs at the right level, whilst having the expert input of surgeons who are leaders in their field.

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