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Mosby’s Massage Therapy Review


No other massage review book offers such complete exam preparation! Written by massage therapy expert Sandy Fritz, this preparation tool offers more review content and questions than any other massage certification review. It gives you the practice and study tools you need for the NCE and MPLEx certification exams, state exams, and even mid-term or final exams. With complete coverage of the information you need to know to study more effectively and take tests more successfully, it helps you memorize terms, definitions, and key facts, all with an emphasis on critical thinking skills – a key part of any licensure or certification exam. Full color format with 347 illustrations (showing various massage techniques as well as anatomy & physiology) presents information in a more visual, engaging way and helps you retain information better than reviewing text alone. Over 1300 practice questions in the text provide the opportunity to assess your readiness for exams. Over 40 labeling exercises are available throughout the book to help kinesthetic learners retain information. Logical text organization presents review content with illustrations and examples followed by review questions and exams to help you hone test-taking skills as you master facts, learn how to apply them, complete practice questions by topic, and then work through a realistic exam experience. Written to be versatile so it can be used to prepare for licensing exams, as well as classroom exams allows you to prepare for massage licensure exams as well as your regular course load along the way. Answer key printed in the back of the text with rationales provides you additional feedback so you can better understand why answers are correct or incorrect. Esteemed author Sandy Fritz delivers quality content that students and instructors know they can rely on. NEW! Updated content and questions based on the changes to licensing exams delivers the most up-to-date, relevant questions ensuring you’ll be fully prepared to pass the current exams. NEW! Companion website offers 8 practice exams, numerous review activities such as labeling exercises, crossword puzzles, Body Spectrum electronic coloring book, online flashcards, med term games, animations and more. NEW! Mobile app with practice test questions offers increased flexibility to study on the go and in shorter intervals.

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