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OAT Prep Plus 2021-2022: 2 Practice Tests Online + Proven Strategies (Kaplan Test Prep)


Kaplan’s OAT Prep Plus 2021-2022 provides the test-taking strategies, realistic practice, and expert guidance you need to get the OAT results you want. Our comprehensive updated subject review reflects recent changes to the blueprint of the exam, question types, and test interface. You’ll get two full-length practice OATs, practice questions, and expert tips to help you face Test Day with confidence. We’re so confident that OAT Prep Plus offers all the knowledge you need to excel on the test that we guarantee it: after studying with our online resources and book, you’ll score higher on the OAT-or you’ll get your money back. The Best Review Two updated full-length, online practice exams for test-like practice Study-planning guidance More than 600 practice questions for every subject, with detailed answers and explanations 16-page full-color study sheets for high-yield review on the go A guide to the current OAT Blueprint so you know exactly what to expect on Test Day Comprehensive review of all of the content covered on the OAT Expert Guidance Our books and practice questions are written by veteran teachers who know students-every explanation is written to help you learn Kaplan’s experts ensure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test We invented test prep-Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams

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