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Polymer Translocation


Polymer translocation occurs in many biological and biotechnological phenomena where electrically charged polymer molecules move through narrow spaces in crowded environments. Unraveling the rich phenomenology of polymer translocation requires a grasp of modern concepts of polymer physics and polyelectrolyte behavior. Polymer Translocation discusses universal features of polymer translocations and summarizes the key concepts of polyelectrolyte structures, electrolyte solutions, ionic flow, mobility of charged macromolecules, polymer capture by pores, and threading of macromolecules through pores. With approximately 150 illustrations and 850 equations, the book: Avoids heavy mathematics Uses examples to illustrate the richness of the phenomenon Introduces the entropic barrier idea behind polymer translocation Outlines conceptual components necessary for a molecular understanding of polymer translocation Provides mathematical formulas for the various quantities pertinent to polymer translocation The challenge in understanding the complex behavior of translocation of polyelectrolyte molecules arises from three long-range forces due to chain connectivity, electrostatic interactions, and hydrodynamic interactions. Polymer Translocation provides an overview of fundamentals, established experimental facts, and important concepts necessary to understand polymer translocation. Readers will gain detailed strategies for applying these concepts and formulas to the design of new experiments.

Peso 24.16 kg






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