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Successful Early Years Ofsted Inspections: Thriving Children, Confident Staff


Shortlisted for Best Professional Book by Nursery World Awards 2017! The stakes have never been higher: Ofsted have a new, tougher inspection framework for the early years. If you are judged to be less than good, you risk losing funding for places. A reputation that took years to build can vanish overnight. But instead of hiding behind the Ofsted monster to get things done, Early Years expert Julian Grenier argues that it’s time to do what’s right for children and families, and build long-lasting and effective provision. Completely up to date with Ofsted’s new Common Inspection Framework and avoiding a ‘tick-box’ approach to preparation, Julian focuses on the importance of developing your provision and your team up to and beyond inspection day. It is accompanied by easy-to-use time-saving pro formas and self-reflective documents that can be downloaded online for free. This book is ideal for head teachers, senior leaders, EYFS co-ordinators, nursery managers and Early Years practitioners. We had our Ofsted Inspection on May 31st and achieved an Outstanding grade which we are very proud of, as you might imagine! I used Successful Early Years Ofsted Inspections to focus my thoughts when preparing for the inspection and I am sure it was a contributory factor in our grade. -Wendy Taylor, Nursery Manager, Acorns Nursery Julian Grenier will be discussing ideas from Successful Early Years Oftsed Inspections in the SAGE Early Years Masterclass, a free professional development experience hosted by Kathy Brodie. To sign up, or for more information, click here.

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